Now the dog is in kidney failure. Feel free to leave an update as things progress. I pray she continues to do well with the fluids and special diet. Their reduced appetite may lead to weight loss, and they may vomit frequently. What is the treatment for acute kidney failure? Several studies have shown that coconut oil may be useful in the treatment of kidney disease.S. He or she will play an integral role in providing support and advice as you work together to give your dog the best life possible for as long as possible. This is due to the presence of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Apart from quenching your dogs thirst, giving your dog just a small amount may also help keep your dog on its paws. After all, no loving pet owner will want to put their furry friend and its health at risk. This measure indicates the concentration of minerals excreted through the kidneys. Hi Sonia, Drinking it regularly in large quantities can have an adverse effect on the kidneys and can lead to the formation of kidney stones. This type of diet helps reduce the amount of protein wastes or metabolic toxins that may make your pet feel sick and lethargic. Several studies have shown that coconut oil may be useful in the treatment of kidney disease.S"}}, {"@type": "Question", "name": "Is coconut water harmful to kidneys? With time, the extra intake of water wont help remove those toxins and youll begin to see more serious symptoms. Recommended herbal blends and supplements for kidney disease and others. In some cases, the kidney values will slowly return to normal. I will attach links to other articles that deal with making tough decisions about when to let go. A 1 1/2 years ago noticed blood in her urine. Cherry pits. Instead, settle for plain water. Synthetic erythropoietin may stimulate the bone marrow to make red blood cells and correct the anemia in most dogs. Instead, look to a natural phosphorus binder such as Bentonite Clay to eliminate toxins in the stool vs building up in your dogs blood. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Dogs without special dietary restrictions need food that is 18 to 25 percent protein. You can, Supplementing the Diet is Critical: Your dog needs a HIGH QUALITY form of omega 3 such as Flaxseed Oil or. This formula contains Fu Zi (aconite) andRou Gui (cinnamon), which are both very warming and have an invigorating effect on circulation. A few hereditary conditions that lead to kidney failure include: Polycystic kidney disease (PKD), though uncommon, creates cystic areas in the kidneys where normal function and structure are lost. My 15-pound rescue terrier mix Penny was diagnosed with Stage 3 kidney failure the end of July 2021. What is the treatment for chronic kidney disease? Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (blood pressure medications) will help to lower pressure in the kidneys, therefore lessening the degree of proteinuria. Some vets also recommend lowering sodium levels since 60 percent or more of dogs with kidney failure also have high blood pressure. Glandulars are used a lot in holistic medicine. Hi. The urine that the kidneys make, however, is just a by-product of several lesser known but highly vital jobs performed by these powerhouse organs. "}}, {"@type": "Question", "name": "Is coconut water good for kidney disease? Your little girl is lucky to have such attentive people in her life to advocate for her wellbeing and love her. After all, coconut water still contains calories around 45-60 calories for every 8 ounces. The kidneys will resume functioning during treatment but fail again as soon as treatment stops, usually within three to fourteen days. If your pup is in this situation, your veterinarian may discuss injections of a synthetic version of this hormone to try to improve the anemia. Join nearly 100,000 subscribers who love Dogs Naturally to unlock special discounts and premium content. However, unlike most sports drinks, coconut water is low in sodium. Calcitriol can be used to reduce the function of the parathyroid gland and to increase calcium absorption from the intestinal tract. Let her eat what she will eat. This can help improve their quality of life. This treatment may be recommended if your dog has persistent anemia. Some other organs, like the liver, can regenerate after they are damaged. Therefore, one of the earliest clinical signs of kidney failure is increased water consumption and urination, and is called compensated renal failure. SOMA was 21, Creatinine was 4.7 and Bun was 73. Dana also breeds Labrador Retrievers under the Fallriver prefix and has been a raw feeding, natural rearing breeder since the 90's. We welcome your comments and questions about senior dog care. Its full of electrolytes that can help keep your dog hydrated and even give them a boost of energy as its full of nutrients like potassium, calcium and vitamin C. Coconut water might contain too little sodium and too much potassium. The remaining portion ofthe formula is called Lui Wei Di HuangWan (Rehmannia 6).. Basically, more and more kidney cells wear out over time, leading to decreased overall kidney function. While damage from acute kidney problems is more easily treated, damage to your dogs organs from chronic kidney disease is irreversible unless caught early.. The longer the blockage is present, the more permanent damage occurs. READ MORE, Dr. Buzbys Blog offers tips on how to give your dog the happiest life possible. If your dogs stomach is a bit sensitive, letting them drink something sweet like coconut water may cause GI issues like an upset stomach, loose stools, or diarrhea. Once he told me (which was hours later), we called the animal poison control, followed their protocol, and then took her to the ER. As part of this treatment plan, your veterinarian might recommend medications to bind phosphorous in the intestinal tract, medication to help regulate calcium levels, anti-nausea medications, antacid medications, pain medications, or appetite stimulant medications. What Happens if Kidney Disease Goes Untreated? Your dog will need a highly nutritious diet made up of whole foods. As mentioned before, coconut water has high potassium content. Values didnt show much change, but she did have an episode of pancreatitis, quickly cleared with meds. However, large dogs have a shorter life span . However, what they all have in common is that they are various ways to say that the kidneys are not functioning at their normal capacity. Know the signs of kidney disease in dogs and what you can do to prevent and treat their condition. As the kidneys filter fewer toxins out of the urine, the specific gravity falls. Afterward, drain the water out of the pot and put it on a cutting board. What happens when you drink coconut water everyday? Oscar had a history of chronic kidney disease that had been well-managed for years with a prescription diet. A urinalysis is needed to evaluate kidney function. It also boosts the low liver function, which is one of the major cause of kidney failure. Required fields are marked *. With kidney disease, this concentrating ability is the first thing to go, leading to the production of copious volumes of dilute urine. What Are The Best Dog Boots For Chihuahuas, The Pros And Cons Of Purchasing A Puppy Less Than 100 Dollars. If you heard your vet say kidney failure in dogs and everything else he or she said about your senior dogs diagnosis was a blur after that, this article is for you. Your dogs treatment plan may also include: While you may be tempted to create a DIY home-cooked diet for your dog, that may not be best. Make sure to buy coconut water that is free from any additives. While both types of kidney disease involve a loss of kidney function, veterinarians treat chronic kidney disease quite differently than acute kidney disease. Punarnava Mandur. A 2018 study showed that coconut water increased the removal of potassium, chloride and citrate in urine. It was in August or September I learn she was in Kidney failure. It's made with chicken and pork, controlled levels of protein, phosphorus and sodium, and contains antioxidants and omega 3 fatty acids, which will enhance your dog's overall health. What a blessing to still be making memories together 300 days later! What can dogs not have? Some dogs with late-stage kidney disease will become anemic (i.e. This way, you can check if your dogs tummy can tolerate it or not. Many dogs lose their appetite as their kidney disease progresses, and that only . Dog-safe NSAIDS like carprofen (Rimadyl) are generally well-tolerated but can occasionally unexpectedly damage the kidneys, even at the correct dosage. The even better news is that a significant proportion of dogs with chronic kidney disease can have a good quality of life for many months to years with proper management and close monitoring. A few animal studies showed coconut waters antioxidant properties and ability to reduce oxidative stress a common cause of cell damage and diseases. Encourage your pet to drink more water. The earliest indication of kidney failure is low specific gravity in the urine. Or if shes in pain. . 2022 - Dogs Naturally Magazine Inc. So, make sure to take the time to pour this over in his water bowl. [more], NEED HELP? If any of these are present, this can indicate that your dog may have an infection, an injury is present, the kidneys are inflamed or your dog is a diabetic. The kidneys are sophisticated trashcollectors that process blood tosift out waste products and extrawater. Introducing Dr. Buzbys Encore Mobility joint supplement for senior dogs. I realize that the insult to her kidneys cant be reversed so I am vigilant about having at least yearly bloodwork. Acute-on-chronic is when a dog with chronic kidney disease that is stable experiences a sudden worsening of their kidney function. By clicking Subscribe, I agree to the WebMD, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Bird Flu Deaths Prompt U.S. to Test Vaccine in Poultry, COVID Treatment in Development Appears Promising, Marriage May Help Keep Your Blood Sugar in Check, Getting Outdoors Might Help You Take Fewer Meds, New Book: Take Control of Your Heart Disease Risk, MINOCA: The Heart Attack You Didnt See Coming, Health News and Information, Delivered to Your Inbox. Once the dog becomes stable, the frequency of treatment may be decreased. However, you should not give your dog Advil or any of the other medications on that list. Read Full Disclaimer, Health Benefits of Flaxseed for Dogs and How To Use Safely, Private Consultation & Personal Help for Your Dog, Our ALL NATURAL Market Place for Old Dogs. In many cases, this means that the destruction has been occurring for months to years (chronic) before failure has become evident. Coconut and coconut oil have been used for therapeutic purposes for centuries. Your veterinarian may suggest a specific type of dog food with additional nutrients your dog needs for his condition. While drinking this delicious drink directly from the shell using a straw works for us, the same wouldnt work for your dog. By the time your dog exhibits symptoms of kidney failure, the kidneys may only be functioning at one-quarter to one-third of normal levels. A number of diseases can also cause kidney disease. This is usually accomplished with one or more of the following, depending on your pet's condition: A special diet -Nutrition is one of the cornerstones in the effective treatment of dogs with chronic kidney failure. It is caused by a major injury to the kidney. My 13 yr old mostly Black Lab stopped eating. Rat poison is another unfortunately common toxicity that veterinarians treat. He or she can suggest a vaccination plan based on your dogs age, lifestyle, and risk factors. Nutrition is a primary component in managing your dog's kidney failure. There are three possible outcomes from the first phase of treatment: 1. Now that you know that coconut water is a drink your dog can have now and then, lets go ahead and discuss all the delightful health benefits coconut water has in store for your dog: Electrolytes are essential minerals your dogs bodies need, and coconut water is packed full of them. Soft lighting to avoid bumping at night. Gets around well even blind and deaf. The content on this website is not meant to replace veterinary advice. Unfortunately, they can cause acute kidney failure in dogs. Intravenous fluids are the main treatment for acute kidney failure. It also helps to increase red blood cells count. However, even with this reserve capacity, it is possible to reach a point where so many kidney cells are lost that the kidneys can no longer do their jobs. How Do You Register A Company In South Africa? Healthy Dogs ; View All ; Featured Topics; . I am glad you were able to get your girl to the vet and treatment started quickly. However, for dogs with kidney disease, you really want the calcium to bind with the phosphorus. After MRI she was diag with a tumor on her L kidney. She was with my husband and he didnt know they were toxic to dogs. The possible outcome for dogs with acute kidney failure depends mainly on the underlying cause and when they seek treatment. Maggie is a 8 yr old lab. Over the counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pain medications (NSAIDS) like ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil) and Naproxen (Aleve) may be great at relieving your aches and pains. Feeding canned food rather than dry can also help increase fluid intake. Hydration is important because it helps to reduce the risk of dehydration and heat stroke. It is not a substitute for professional veterinary care. The clinical signs of more advanced kidney failure include loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, and very bad breath. This serves to prevent dehydration, helps continually flush toxins from the kidneys and provides additional levels of electrolytes. Occasionally, ulcers will be found in the mouth. ", "acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer", "text": "The medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil also provide a much-needed energy source for animals that are lethargic and weak because of CKD. Best wishes to you both. Just like coffee, coconut water also serves as an excellent caffeine-free pick-me-up on days when your dog is feeling sluggish or a bit under the weather. By As the kidneys degenerate, the filter portion (i.e. Drinking it regularly in large quantities can have an adverse effect on the kidneys and can lead to the formation of kidney stones. The bladder stores urineuntil your dog relieves himself. If left untreated, end-stage kidney failure may occur, leading to a fatal outcome. Advancing age is one risk factor for kidney disease, and some breeds, including English cocker spaniels, bull terriers, Dalmatians, Newfoundlands, Samoyeds, and German shepherds, may be more susceptible to developing kidney problems. Dog food has the correct balance of nutrients your dog needs to stay healthy.. There are also homeopathic remedies thatcan successfully treat many symptoms ofkidney failure. But Oscars testing that day revealed two new problemsprotein in his urine and high blood pressure. For chronic kidney failure, the prognosis is highly variable and depends in large part on the stage of disease at the time of diagnosis. How will the vet diagnose kidney disease? Best wishes! Its the same for dogs. Using a Quality of Life Scale for Dogs Coconut water is a great source of hydration for these dogs. Coconut water improves digestion in dogs and can prevent many gastrointestinal problems. I see no signs of distress from pain except for today. Activated carbon filter keeps the water clean and . JAR. ", "acceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer", "text": "I'd recommend anyone with a chronic kidney disease avoid consuming large amounts of coconut water. Human kidneys are the same. Let me explain. Plus, it can keep them out of the hospital so they may enjoy their time at home with their loving family. But while youre at it, your pup might also want a slurp. 5. The requisite intense level of care and lengthy hospitalization can make dialysis cost-prohibitive for many dog parents. Depending on the severity of the anemia, your dog may also need a blood transfusion. IRIS staging is based on serum creatinine levels, with sub-staging based on the presence of protein in the urine (as determined by a urine protein:creatinine ratio [UPC]) and measuring your dogs blood pressure. This explains why it often seems like kidney disease has snuck up on you and your furry family member. If he is dehydrated, the skin will more slowly settle back into place. If your vet has diagnosed your dog with kidney failure, he or she may also recommend additional testing such as: Based on the results of the labwork, additional testing, and your dogs history, the veterinarian will determine if your dog most likely has acute kidney failure, chronic kidney failure, or acute-on-chronic kidney disease, and start treatment accordingly. This drink may be packed with electrolytes that will keep your dog hydrated and nutrients like vitamin C and B that are overall beneficial to your dog. Coconut water also helps in dissolving kidney stones because of the presence of potassium, which plays a key role in urine alkalizing and preventing formation of kidney stones. This medication is needed if there is evidence of abnormal function of the parathyroid gland. Dogs with kidney failure often feel much better after the treatment and may eat more and be less lethargic. This is why others who prefer an all-organic diet would add salt to their glass of coconut water. Coconut water is also a good source of hydration for dogs with kidney failure. Acute kidney failure happens quickly over several days, while chronic kidney failure happens slowly over time. This website provides general information about pets and their care. Hi Julie, we are currently in the grips of kidney failure with our terrier girl Peach, who is only 4 years old. It should snap right back into place if your dog is well-hydrated. This common yet urgent medical emergency can lead to a loss of consciousness or kidney failure and may even be fatal. Luckily, vaccines exist for many, but not all, of the strains of leptospirosis. When one of these functions is compromised, your dog may be diagnosed with kidney disease. Urinary blockages can also cause acute kidney failure because the kidneys continue to make urine even if a blockage is present. Coconut water can help to improve your dog's skin and coat health. A sports drink like Gatorade might help keep this in check. One sign she will look for is dehydration, which can be checked for by gently pinching fur and skin between your fingers. Can Dogs Drink Coffee? Coconut water keeps your dog hydrated all the time. Coconut water is safe for dogs. Bloodwork a couple years ago was normal. BUN and blood creatinine levels are used to measure the body waste products in your dogs blood stream. Unfortunately, a specific cause tends to be more difficult to pin down than with acute kidney failure. Coconut water can also help to improve overall health and well-being for your dog. Kidney problems often lead to life-threatening conditions that require immediate hospitalization and treatment. High levels of potassium in the blood: Coconut water contains high levels of potassium. However, large dogs have a shorter life span and may undergo kidney failure as early as seven years of age. Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM; Malcolm Weir, DVM, MSc, MPH; Ernest Ward, DVM. The treatment of chronic kidney disease depends on the results of blood tests, and specific treatments are aimed at resolving specific abnormalities. Your dog may indeed enjoy coconut water, given its somewhat sweet and nutty flavor. I am Albert. Praying for more time to continue making memories and a good quality of life. My heart goes out to you with this difficult and emotional situation you are in with Peach. Blood levels of calcium, phosphorus and potassium can alsobe monitored in addition to the BUN and creatinine as they can affect the treatment of dogs with kidney failure. Coconut water can help to improve the function of the kidneys. The right balance isnecessary for life, but excess levelscan be harmful. These include: When your vet suspects kidney failure may be the cause of your dog's ills, she will first do a physical exam. However, that theory has changed quite a bit over the past decade, although most traditional veterinary websites still claim that this is necessary. The vet will also do a complete urinalysis and blood biochemistry analysis in dogs with kidney disease. I hope the new treatments that have been added to Samsons daily routine will allow him to have many more happy days ahead. Rehmannia 8 increases renal blood flowand even when 60 to 70 per cent of thekidney is no longer functioning, a significantnumber of nephrons may still be ableto function with adequate blood flow. Yes. Once she stops eating or drinking then it will be time to say goodbye. "}}, {"@type": "Question", "name": "Is coconut good for dogs with kidney disease? The husk or coconut shell might be too hard for your fur baby. It is recommended that dogs with kidney problems drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. A little bacon fat may revive your dog's interest in food and add extra calories. Shes still eating and drinking. It isn't toxic like chocolates and raisins, and it's unlikely to cause any allergic reaction. Just like any dog treats, this should not exceed 10% of your dogs daily calorie intake. Dogs can easily chew through plastic bottles and drink dangerous chemicals. Your dogs protein, blood pressure and creatinine level in the blood are the determining factors of the stage of the disease. Your vet can easily monitor your dogs potassium levels with routine bloodwork. If your dog likes its taste, then adding this to your dogs diet every once in a while is A-okay. Being blindsided by a diagnosis of kidney disease after a routine senior dog physical exam isnt easy either. According to, the following levels of creatinine explain the stage of renal failure your pet may be in: Stage 1: Creatinine 125Stage 2: Creatinine 125-250Stage 3: Creatinine 181-440Stage 4: Creatinine 440 and above with or without symptoms of uraemia (blood toxins), We are not Veterinarians and this website also known as and associated products, including blogs, articles, online videos eBooks, DVDs, digitally delivered products, workbooks, audio books and other products, are provided for information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Filed Under: Common Dog Health Problems, Our Blog: The Buzby Bark. The content is presented solely for informational purposes and may not be relied upon to replace face-to-face medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment by professional pet healthcare providers. Kidney disease can be hard to detect by pet owners initially. High levels of potassium in the blood: Coconut water contains high levels of potassium. I hope she will continue to thrive and have many happy days ahead. So when you start to see your kidney patient act sick and not want to eat, adding dark, leafy greens to the diet, along with prebiotics and probiotics, will help remove any excess protein through fecal waste, rather than through the bloodstream., (Its important to cleanse the body of toxic waste because our dogs absorb it every day in their food, water and environment.). I think this is the hardest to decide. Bacteria build up on your dogs teeth and enter the digestive system when eating and drinking. Thank you for your response. Most often the emails mention that the vet wants to place the older dog on Hills K/D food and the owner is struggling with this decision.Diet should and must be your top priority if your dog has been diagnosed with Kidney failure. My standard poodle Samson was diagnosed with Juvenile Kidney Disease at five months. Dont drink coconut water if you have high levels of potassium in the blood. It DOES NOT contain calcium . Traditional vets treat kidney disease with Hills K/D diets or other prescription diets, which are not only disgusting with regards to ingredients, they completely lack nutrition. Though this has not been shown to occur in dogs or cats, this data is used to support protein restriction in these animals. However, if you need medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, please contact your local veterinarian. The key here is moderation. The following information may help you with your dog suffering from kidney failure. BUN and creatinine levels finally begin to rise when more than three-fourths of your dogs kidney function has been lost. Her numbers came down some, but are still over the normal range. One way to do this is to gradually increase the amount of fat in your dog's diet. So, make sure to only give small amounts per day (think a few ounces). Please support the hard working holistic vets who make this information possible. Additionally, DogFood.Guide participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission from purchases made through our links. Can tolerate it or not Malcolm Weir, DVM, MSc, MPH ; Ernest Ward, DVM directly the! Samson was diagnosed with Juvenile kidney disease, this means that the destruction has been occurring months. Two new problemsprotein in his water bowl the clinical coconut water for dogs with kidney failure of distress pain. To Samsons daily routine will allow him to have many more happy days ahead about senior dog.! 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